Birthing Q & A: Natural Birth, Wearing A Mask During Delivery, & Body Changes

Hi Friends,

In my Birthing Q & A video I answer a lot of the questions that I have gotten over on Instagram @Cedasha_Michelle about having a baby during a pandemic. Please watch in it’s entirety to get all the answers I really hope this helps someone. If you have any other questions leave them in the comments or send me a message over on Instagram. I pray for a safe delivery for you all and please share with other mamas out there!

Black Seed Oil:

How much weight did you gain?
How long was your labor?
How much did he weigh?
What’s the first thing you wanted to eat after delivery?
Are you breastfeeding 🤱?
How did you know you were going into labor?
Did your water break on it’s own?
What kind of birth did you have?
Did you have a birth plan?
What body changes have you experienced?
Are you taking a vitamin?
Did you get any stretch marks?
Did the hospital make you were mask and gloves?
What’s it like after birth physically?
How was using the bathroom after giving birth?
How Many Weeks Pregnant Where You When You Gave Birth?


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