Are We Lazy?

Hi Ladies n’ Gents,

Do you feel that technology is making us lazy? I personally do, we don’t open cans by ourselves n e more with the can opener, we have the automatic can opener, there’s a pancake flipper now, so no need to get a spatula n’ flip your own dang pannie-cakes! lol  I am not saying that it is a bad

thing at all, in many cases it helps us do things faster n’ more efficiently. But does that have a counter-reaction by making us lazy n’ dependent upon technology?

However, I feel like we wont be brushing our own teeth in  a little while, there will be robots holding our dang toothbrushes for us! LOL But n e who, what do you guys think?

Speak On IT!!!

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12 years ago

I was just asked this question in a recent interview. New or upgraded technology in a sense of automatic car starters, touch screen electronics, wireless headsets, etc those are all nice and dandy fun features to have but their not really an necessity, its more of a luxury. Technology allows us to have a “convenience”. So in a sense it does allow us to become more lackadaisical to the old habit/routine of what was done before. I always say that “technology is evolving at a rapid speed of ridiculous”, technology has now created a new electronic skin patch. Someday soon,… Read more »

12 years ago

Oh ABSOLUTELY, technology IS making us lazy. I suppose there was a time where if you wanted to know something, you actually had to find a way to get to your local library (or maybe not so local library) and find the right book, or find the right person to direct you to the right book, then flip through the book’s pages to find the location of the correct answer. Today, if you don’t know something, there’s GOOGLE! 🙂 It is absolutely AMAZING, though, how technology allows us to carry such a vast amount of resources in our pockets, and… Read more »

12 years ago

i really think in a case like this it depends on the person.for me i thank god i’m on such a budget that i’m not allowed to go that far outside the box and start getting things that would do the work for me.i guess i’m old cell is simple,my brain is my calender,my can opener is the twist by hand kind,my car doesn’t do when i speak.i think technology is a beautiful thing,it allows us as humans to not only sit back,marvel at how our brains work,how our brains give us these creations but makes living life a… Read more »

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