QofD: Love or Infactuation?

Hi Ladies n’ Gents,

Tell me…Do you believe in love at first sight? or would you call it “Extreme Infatuation”?

Speak on IT!!!

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13 years ago

I do not believe in love at first sight at all. I believe love is a much deeper connection than just the physical or outer appearance of a person. By saying you were in love at first sight, in a nutshell you are saying you love an individual based on their looks and not what is most important and that is what is in their heart and mind.

Gabriel A
Gabriel A
13 years ago

I guess i don’t believe in love at first sight. I think love comes from an established relationship and actually knowing who an individual is. I sometimes think, “how can i love someone if I have no idea who this person is?” when i see older couples together who have been married for decades, they tend to say that they love their spouse even more presently than they did when they first got married. I believe this is because from spending so much time and learning the ends and outs of one another, their love was able grow. I also… Read more »

13 years ago

I DO NOT BELIEVE IN LOVE AT FIRST SIGHT! I Believe in extreme infactuation. I mean when you meet a person you are just going off how they look and nothing more!

13 years ago

I for one do not believe in love at first sight. I believe you can really like a person or be attracted to them when you first meet them. How can you love someone when you first meet them? What is there to love? You have to get to know a person first before you can truly love them.