QofD: Mac or PC?

Hi Ladies n’ Gents,

I have been a PC girl for years now! However, I am strongly considering getting a Mac, but…

What do you prefer a Mac or PC? and why?

Speak on IT!!!



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13 years ago

I’m def a PC! Although I do know how to use a MAC…I’d rather have a PC anyday.

13 years ago

i was using dell before…and i tell u lol getting a mac was the BEST computer decision i’ve made in my life!!! as long as you maintain your computer you are straight. Plus their is the added bonus of not needing a virus protector becuz mac’s dont get infected….GREAT BUY!! u shud invest in one. =)

13 years ago

PC are way more affordable. Buying a MAC is like putting a down payment on a brand new car. When Apple makes their computer more affordable then I will buy one. Till then, HP till whenever.

13 years ago

MAC- Ive had one for 4 years, it has never broke, never got a virus and all programs are fast and easy to download. Its user friendly and simple. It cost more but its worth it for the music and video applications, office programs like word and etc. work. Plus, it just looks cute!

PC- crash, get viruses and are slow. LAME!

13 years ago

MAC!!! I bought one in April and I am in love with it!! The fact alone of not having to purchase virus protection or remember when I need to renew it was enough for me. And MAC’s are the IT thing in technology. I think tha tit would be ideal for your blog as well. You should go to an APPLE store and let them tell you all the technical reasons but I am 100% an APPLE girl!!

P.S. I am switching over everything to MAC…getting and iPhone, Desktop, and an iPad real soon!!!

13 years ago

I am kinda torn at this point on what to get! Thanks for asking this question because, I have been reading the responses and they make “macs” sound great!
Thanks girl!

13 years ago

I’m a PC person because PC’s are a better choice period. The only pro’s that a Mac has on pc’s are the simple fact that they do not have many viruses, because hackers go for the majority of the population. In which Mac only takes up about 10% of it while PC has the remainder of the shares out. Also Mac’s graphics have a way better graphical designs and implementations. I would also say that the quality of the Mac is a little bit better. Anything you can do with the mac you can do with a PC, but PC… Read more »

13 years ago

Definitely a Mac girl!!! Nothing is wrong with PCs but Macs are faster and more adaptable to any computer programming. I bought my first Mac in 2006 and replaced it in 2010 ONLY because I needed a DVD burner and my older model didn’t have that feature yet. Other than that, my 2006 Mac didn’t show any type of problems.

Zach Diesel
13 years ago

@ Gabriel A: The new mac Laptops have up 10 hours battery life which is almost double that of your best pc Laptop.

The only con to a mac is that they are very expensive. You usually can get all the bells and whistle of a mac in a pc but it is like buying benz(mac) or chevy(pc).

I am a mac user only for the simple fact that I love the operating system for mac. I hate windows with a passion. lol

Gabriel A.
Gabriel A.
13 years ago

Here are some pro and cons I’ve come across.

pros- almost no viruses or malware, very stable OS X (very little crashes), Great design
cons- heavy laptops, transferring files do not provide good backups, laptop battery life sucks.

pros- pretty standard and easy to use software, easy to find software applications for very specific tasks
cons- crashes, virus and crash vulnerable

I’m doing PC now, but will probably switch to Mac eventually. 🙂

13 years ago

I would go use Mac computers.

It’s easy to use and you can travel the Mac notebook computer anywhere. Plus, it’s easy to download YouTube videos and all.